
Ways to Look 15 Years Younger

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How you been 15 years younger? If you follow advice in this article, you will not only look 15 years younger, your body and skin will actually years younger than those of your peers. Do you know for example what telomeres are and how you can use to make you look years younger? And have you heard that certain foods can make you look much older than you are at work clarity and vice versa? Here you can read all about it.

Scientific research has proven that the shortening of telomeres is the main cause of aging. Once a telomere is too short, the corresponding cell is no longer refreshing. However, you can make sure that this process is slower. Taking vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid and TMG are a good start. Other ways to slow degradation of the telomeres can be found in the article prevent aging - Telomeres.

Human Growth Hormone
Increasing the presence of human growth hormone in the body is one of the best ways to look 15 years younger. You can of course be to inject human growth hormone, but can their presence in your body also naturally increase, including through eating protein and practicing sports. More information about human growth hormone and its usefulness for the youth of our skin, you can read the article prevent skin aging - Human growth hormone.

Collagen is the building material gives the skin its firmness. By eating soy and soy products (tofu, soy milk, soy desserts, etc.), the collagen production of the skin stimulated so that people who regularly eat soy have fewer wrinkles and firmer skin than those who rarely consume soy. Replace today so your milk by soy milk, a piece of your flesh and your tofu chocolate mousse with a soy dessert.

Cocoa prevents and reduces skin wrinkles even. Women who three months every day for a great cup of chocolate drink, saw during their research wrinkles and redness by 25 % reduction. What that is? Flavonoids in cocoa are caused by sun damage to skin can return. If you drink chocolate milk every day to look 15 years younger, you should use for cocoa without sugar choice. Sugar Indeed the opposite effect on the skin: it makes the skin soft, reduces collagen production and causes skin wrinkles.

Avoid sugar and white flour products like white pasta, white bread and biscuits. Sugar owns the property is existing collagen fibers break down and produce new collagen to disrupt. Collagen is responsible for the firmness and suppleness of the skin and a lack of it create a sagging skin and deep skin wrinkles. It is therefore not surprising that women who rarely or never eat mostly sugar and white flour look 15 years younger than other women their age.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C improves the synthesis of collagen makes the skin firmer and wrinkles no chance. Stimulating natural collagen production in the skin is one of the best things you can do to make your face look young, full and smooth as to look. Vitamin C also ensures also that the degradation of telomeres to 62 % more slowly so that the cells of our body to continue to innovate.

Sleeping upright
People who sleep upright look years younger than those on their backs or their sides to sleep. Why? If you sleep lying down, piling waste more easily in the face so you have morning and dull appearance. This causes bags and sagging skin. By sleeping on your side you risk that your skin wrinkles. You often sleep in the same position, and then the chances are that one side of your face will look older than look the other way. By upright to sleep you can prevent this.

Moisturize your skin
Skin that is not hydrated looks easily 10 to 15 years older than she really is, the skin is scaly and lines and wrinkles are deeper. Applying a simple skin moisturizing cream can make a big deal. Better still, during the regular drag a little oil to make those places the fastest drying and wrinkle. In this way the skin has no chance to break. Hydration should also come from within. Drink plenty of water and make sure there is enough vegetable fats in your diet are present.

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