
Animals cute

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Baby Tapir:
The male baby Malayan tapir called Kamal, whose name means ‘perfection’ were born at the Edinburgh Zoo.

Baby Fennex foxes:
These adorable creatures were born at the Everland Zoo in Seoul, Korea:

And these are from Germany's Zoo Darmstadt:

© Joachim S. Müller

© Joachim S. Müller

Rare white otter cubs:
These adorable rare white otter cubs were born at the
Blue Planet Aquarium:

Baby Aardvark:
This baby Aardvark was born at the UK's
Colchester Zoo:

And this one at the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo:

Baby Tenrecs:

These baby Tenrecs were born at the
WCS Bronx Zoo:

© Julie Larsen Maher / WCS Bronx Zoo

© Julie Larsen Maher / WCS Bronx Zoo

© Julie Larsen Maher / WCS Bronx Zoo

Baby Mouse Deer:
This tiny bay mouse deer was born at the
Paignton Zoo:

Baby Sloths:
These photos of mother sloth Alba and her daughter, were taken at the
Singapore Zoo:

© Shirley Ng

© Shirley Ng

© Shirley Ng

The Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary cares for injured and orphaned sloths in Costa Rica. They also lead sloth education efforts to improve the plight of wild sloths. From time to time, they even have a captive birth, including this baby three-toed sloth called a bradypus or pale-throated sloth:

Baby Wombat:
This baby Wombat was born at Australia's Toronga Zoo:

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Baby Pigmy Hippo:
This baby pigmy hippo was also born at the
Toronga Zoo:

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