Requirements of nutrients during pregnancy
During pregnancy the daily protein needs are very high. The proteins used to create the placenta, the tissue through which nourishes the fetus, and to create new tissues of the embryo. The surplus is converted into glucose and used by a ton body as an energy source.
Protein-rich foods are eggs, milk, fish and seafood, poultry, red meat, peas, corn, bran, spinach, beans, bread, etc.
Pregnant women who follow a vegetarian diet can meet their protein needs through foods rich in vegetable protein and high in amino acids. Excellent combination of plant proteins and amino acids are: rice, pulses, rice and wheat and soybean, rice and sesame seeds, rice and milk, flour and beans, corn and beans, beans, milk, peanuts and milk.
Part of the necessary for the functioning of the body energy provided by carbohydrates and fat. 55% of daily calories should come from complex carbohydrates mainly for both normal subjects and for pregnant women. Good sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, flour, potatoes, bread, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
In the category of carbohydrates are also sugars, starch and fiber. While sugars and starch are easily absorbed by the body, not the case with fiber, which essentially have no nutritional value. However, the diet of pregnant women is important to include fiber, as they affect the transit time of food in the gut in water absorption and binding of trace metals, thereby helping to tackle constipation and hemorrhoids.
Natural carbohydrates are the full meal, the black bread, honey, etc. Processed carbohydrates such as white sugar or flour, have the same nutritional value as natural and devoid of fiber and are removed during processing.
During pregnancy the fat is stored more easily than under normal conditions, and that's why the mechanism of deposition of fat tissue during pregnancy triggered by the production of certain hormones. Therefore, during pregnancy, the consumption of fat should amount to 25-30% of daily calories and no more (80-100 g / day for a normal pregnant and 40-50g / day for obese pregnant).
Important is also pregnant to ensure adequate intake of essential fatty acids (omega -3 and omega- 6 fatty acids). It is vital to the health and plays an important role in fetal development. Omega- 3 and omega- 6 fatty acids found in fish, dried fruit.
What should the diet of pregnant
* Variety.
* Breakfast rich in carbohydrates, which relieves morning sickness.
* Meat and fish, so as to adequately cover the protein requirements.
* Fresh milk, cheese and yogurt.
* Pulses once a week. It is a good source of protein and fiber.
* Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
* Foods rich in iron and calcium.
* At least two foods rich in folic acid and vitamin C.
* Small meals every 2-3 hours.
* Foods rich in fiber.
* Many liquids. Soups and juices soak is rich in nutrients and reduce hunger.
What to avoid
* Fried foods and fats.
* Processed food trade and especially processed meats and fish, as many of them contain substances harmful to the fetus. Indeed, fish with mercury, smoked seafood, fish exposed to industrial pollutants, raw shellfish, and raw meat.
* Excessive consumption of sweets.
* Alcohol and caffeine.
The consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is responsible for the appearance of fetal alcohol syndrome. Embryos with fetal alcohol syndrome born underweight, with distinct facial anomalies and mental harm, including, epilepsy, abnormalities in the floor. Children born with fetal alcohol syndrome may exhibit behavioral problems and learning. Other diseases related to alcohol consumption during pregnancy, including congenital heart defects, deformities in the skeleton and abnormal pituitary gland.
Magic foods
* The spinach has just 41 Kcal, strengthens the body of a pregnant woman with 2mg of zinc and an adequate amount of calcium, magnesium, iron and folic acid.
* Broccoli is rich in folic acid, vitamin C and B2, carotene, iron, magnesium and calcium.
* The daily requirements of iron in pregnant women ranging in the 15-20 mg. A cup of strawberries provides 1, 2 mg Fe.
* Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega- 3 fatty acids necessary for good vision and brain development of the fetus.
* Milk is a very important food. We find it very difficult to meet the needs of calcium and vitamin D without milk.
* The papaya has only 117 Kcal. Covering two times more than oranges need vitamin C and more than once a need for vitamin A. It is rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium.
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