
Aloe Vera Herb Benefits

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The Aloe Vera Plant

It is a plant of the family Liliaceae that has numerous properties and among the many species Barbadensis is considered true. Hence the name Aloe Vera. They are to highlight its healing properties, regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing. It is called the plant's beauty and health.


Some of its properties are:

PAIN - Its active ingredients have a remarkable ability to penetrate to the deeper layers of the skin, inhibiting and blocking the peripheral nerve fibers pain receptors, interrupting a reversible conduction of impulses. In addition, reduces pain by having a powerful anti- inflammatory.

Anti-Inflammatory - Aloe Vera  has an action similar to that of steroids, but without its side effects. Therefore it is useful in problems such as bursitis, arthritis, injuries, blows, biting insects, etc...

Keratolytic - Causes damaged skin gives rise to new tissue cells.

ANTIBIOTIC - Your ability bactericidal, fungicidal and anti -viral, eliminates bacteria that cause infections, inhibiting its harmful action.

CELL REGENERATOR - Aloe Vera has a hormone that accelerates the formation and growth of new cells. Thanks to that contains calcium, a vital element in cellular osmosis exchange of fluids, helps cells to maintain their fragile balance internal and external.

ENERGY AND NUTRIENT - One of the most important characteristics of gelatin is that it contains 18 amino acids required for the formation and structure of proteins, which are the basis of cells and tissues. Also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium and sodium, all elements necessary for metabolism and cellular activity. Aloe Vera also contains vitamins: The, Excellent for viewing, hair and skin, vitamin B1, B3, B6, B12To the central nervous system and peripheral and vitamin Responsible for strengthening the immune system and tone the capillaries of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

DIGESTIVE - Aloe contains large amounts of enzymes required for the processing and utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body.

DETOX - Contains uronic acid, an element that facilitates the elimination of toxins at the cellular level and often stimulates the liver and kidney function, crucial in detoxification of our body.

Rehydration and healing - Penetrates deep into the three layers of skin dermis, epidermis and hypodermis, thanks to the presence of lignin and polysaccharides. Restore lost fluids, both naturally and by deficiencies of balance or external damage, repairing the fabric inside out so much in fire or sun burns, as cracks, cuts, scraped, skinned, tissue loss, etc.. There are many benefits to both topical external as in the skin and mucous membranes.

ALLERGY - Combat allergies without the side effects of other products such as those based on cortisones

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