Vitamin deficiency symptoms
The human body requires for the proper functioning of its mechanisms, among other important nutrients, above all, an adequate intake of vitamins. Thirteen vitamins are responsible for these support functions of the body. Four of them are fat soluble: A, D, E and K. The remaining nine, among which are the vitamins B and C are, are water soluble. Each vitamin has different roles in cellular metabolism. With a massive under supply can cause occur, but allegedly for lack of proper feeding of the vitamin completely escape again.
Deficiency of vitamin A may cause mucous membranes and skin problem, weight loss and night blindness. A deficiency of vitamin B1 and B2 can include Growth and nerve interference, while a deficiency of vitamin B3 cause inflammation and discoloration of skin and mucous membranes, and - just as too little can cause vitamin B5 - nerve disorders. Those who take too little vitamin B6 -containing foods can, including suffering from inflammation of the eyes and mouth, nervous disorders and skin damage, while a vitamin B12 deficiency include the synthesis of protein and interferes with anemia favored. Folic acid deficiency can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the blood.
The lack of vitamin C - ascorbic acid or called - led earlier, particularly among sailors to scurvy. Today, with vitamin C deficiency increases the susceptibility to infection particularly disturbed cardiac activity or decreases the bone and tooth substance. Taking too little vitamin D to itself, it may inter alias come to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Vitamin D is also the only vitamin that the human body can produce itself - with the help of sunlight. If you have a deficiency of vitamin E, may reduce the capacity and the fertility and the risk of suffering from anemia and muscle atrophy, is increased. Biotin, Vitamin H, or called, in turn, supports the growth of skin, hair and nails and reveals a deficiency in hyper excitability and changes in skin and mucous membranes.
Vitamin K promotes blood clotting and ultimately prevents internal bleeding. Since the various physical phenomena and defects may well have multiple causes, a vitamin deficiency with naked eye is not really visible. Only a blood test can provide clarity. But preventively with constant fatigue, listlessness and inflammation vulnerabilities ever to eat a balanced can not hurt!
Higher vitamin requirements in smokers, pregnant women and seniors
To a lack in the sickening sense like some experts - based on our latitudes do not speak -. If it were more likely to undersupply, which need not necessarily cause a deficiency symptom or disease? At risk for such deprivation are mainly people who, feed through constant dieting unilaterally, predominantly nutrient - and vitamin- poor take fast food for themselves or by smoking, alcohol, anti - birth control, pregnancy, breast feeding, serious physical or mental stress diseases such as infections or cancer have an increased vitamin requirements.
In addition, children in the growth phase an increased supply of vitamins. Even the elderly, chronic patients and vegetarians are usually affected by a shortage of individual vitamins.
A balanced diet helps prevent deficiency
To prevent deficiency, or rather shortage, one should - as is preached for decades to feed - with carefully balanced and versatile especially good cooked vegetables, fruits, whole grains, but also meat and fish.
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